A fun, free platform for learning modern cryptography.

The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.

Learn to secure the web one step at a time, with our practical, interactive learning materials. Covering the latest research, and completely free.

The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games.

Whether you've just started your hacker journey or you're just looking for some new challenges, the Hacker101 CTF has something for you.

The Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked'. The game is 100% open source and all levels are contributions made by other players.

exploit.education provides a variety of resources that can be used to learn about vulnerability analysis, exploit development, software debugging, binary analysis, and general cyber security issues.

The cybersecurity upskilling platform. Hack The Box gives individuals, businesses and universities the tools they need to continuously improve their cybersecurity capabilities — all in one place.

Learn ethical hacking skills with hands-on labs and education from cyber security experts.

A free online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs, all through your browser!

linux-training.be gives you books for free to study Linux.

Have fun hacking our virtual machines and learning.

An intro to binary exploitation / reverse engineering course based around ctf challenges.

Developer security training from Snyk. Snyk Learn teaches developers how to stay secure with interactive lessons exploring vulnerabilities across a variety of languages and ecosystems.

Free Training Tutorials & Videos for IT Courses.