Popular Social Accounts for Cybersecurity
A curated list of reliable cybersecurity social media accounts, ensuring you have direct access to up-to-date security information
@0xor0ne : CyberSecurity | Reverse Engineering | C and Rust | Exploit | Linux kernel | PhD | My Tweets, My Opinions :)
@3xp0rt : Malware and cybercrime | Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst at @PRODAFT
@7h3h4ckv157 : Hacker | Hall of Fame: Google, Apple, NASA, X (FKA Twitter) | Speaker: BlackHat MEA x1 | CVE x4 | HTB Rank: Guru | P1 warrior - Bugcrowd | CS Engineer
@Adam Chester : Hacker for Hire at @SpecterOps | Research at http://blog.xpnsec.com
@Aditya Shende : MS Cyber 🇬🇧 | Work @BforeAI | @Bugcrowd Top 100 | Bug Bounty Trainer | Keynote Speaker | Professional Biker | @kong_sec 🇮🇳 | Own Views ≠Employment
@Alexander Borges : Vulnerability Researcher and Exploit Developer (b. sky: alexandreborges)
@Arkbird : Malware slayer
@Azeria : Sneaky bit flipper | Trainer @azeria_labs | Author of Arm Assembly Internals & RE @BlueFoxBook | Adjunct Professor @SAISHopkins | Forbes 30u30
@Binni Shah : Linux Evangelist, Malwares, Security enthusiast , Investor, Contrarian , Philanthropist , Reformist , Sigma female
@Brett Buerhaus : security research, bug bounty, and puzzles
@Brute Logic : #CyberSecurity | #XSS | #WAF #bypass | #hack2learn | @RodoAssis | @KN0X55 | https://X55.is
@Chetan Nayak : Founder Dark Vortex/Brute Ratel | Former RedTeam
@Chris Evans : CISO and Chief Hacking Officer at HackerOne. Past: Founded {vsftpd, Chrome security, Google Project Zero}; Tesla; Dropbox. Hacker / Researcher. beebjit.
@Clandestine : Security | Osint | Threat Research | Opsec | Threat Intelligence | Infosec | Threat Hunting
@Dark Web Informer : I provide intel from some of the darkest places on the Dark Web & Clearnet. Breaches, Darknet Markets, Ransomware, Threat Alerts, & more!
@Daily OSINT : Daily Open Source Intelligence Powered by @SOCRadar XTI®
@Dan Goodin : Reporter covering security at Ars Technica. DM me on Signal: DanArs.82.
@Dark Reading : One of the most widely read and trusted cybersecurity news sites, providing IT security professionals informed insights into the latest news and trends.
@DOCGuard : Analyze Malwares in seconds!
@Dr. Anton Chuvakin : Information security - #SIEM, #DFIR, #EDR formerly at Gartner! Now @GoogleCloud Office of the #CISO
@Enderman : A software engineer, a malware enthusiast and most importantly, a weird tall creature. I poke tech and act surprised when it breaks.
@Geekboy : Hacker, Co-Founder @pdiscoveryio, Ex-Security Analyst / BugBounty @Hacker0x01
@Godfather Orwa : Hacker | Bug Hunter | Cooker | Top 3 P1 Warrior On http://bugcrowd.com/OrwaGodfather | http://hackerone.com/mr-hakhak | LevelUpX Champion | 10+ 0Days/CVEs
@Grzegorz Tworek : My own research, unless stated otherwise. Not necessarily "safe when taken as directed".GIT d- s+: a+ C++++ !U !L !M w++++$ b++++ G-
@haksec.io : Penetration testing | Cybersecurity consulting | Appsec training | Born in Australia, serving customers globally
@hasherezade : Programmer, #malware analyst. Author of #PEbear, #PEsieve, #TinyTracer.
@Hussein Daher : Entrepreneur, Hacker
@Igal Lytzki : Security Researcher at @msftsecurity | Ex - Perception Point Threat Analyst & Team Lead
@James Forshaw : Security researcher in Google Project Zero. Author of Attacking Network Protocols.
@James Kettle : Director of Research at PortSwigger aka Burp Suite. Find my research, tools & contact details at https://jameskettle.com
@John DiMaggio : Bad guy chaser, writer/author, espionage & ransomware SME. Sometimes I harass my dog. He is the brains behind these projects and opinions are his.
@John Hammond : Cybersecurity Researcher @HuntressLabs || Just Hacking Training @JustHackingCo w/ @ethicalhacker || https://jh.live/training || https://jh.live/newsletter
@Jon Bottarini : Security Stuff @Google - I post about bug bounties, infosec, and everything in between. This is a personal account. Formerly: @Hacker0x01
@Joseph Cox : Hacking/crime/privacy journalist. Author of DARK WIRE. Co-founder of @404mediaco
@Joshua J. Drake : Securing the future through modern technology. Founder and Software Security Specialist at @magnetitesec
@Justin Elze : CTO @TrustedSec | Former Optiv/SecureWorks/Accuvant Labs/Redspin | Race cars
@katie Paxton-Fear : Dr, apparently. API Sec @traceableai, Lecturer & Hacker. #BugBounty hunter & #infosec YouTuber. APIs & Interlinked OffSec, PhD in AI+Sec @hacknotcrime. she/her
@klez : Independent Cyber Security Researcher - Opinions are my own
@Kuba Gretzky : Offensive security tools developer. Malware dev, bedroom DJ & ex-MMO game hacker. Creator of Evilginx / Bartender @ BREAKDEV RED.
@Lenny Zeltser : Advances cybersecurity. Grows tech businesses. Fights malware. // CISO at @AxoniusInc. Author and Faculty Fellow at @SANSInstitute. Creator of @REMnux.
@LiveOverFlow : wannabe hacker... he/him
@Luke Stephens : Hacker, marketer. I manage socials and produce amazing technical blogs for cybersecurity orgs. Founder of @hacker_content and @haksecio
@Max_Malyutin : Threat Researcher, Blue Team, DFIR, Malware Analysis, and Reverse Engineering.
@mr.d0x : Security researcher | Co-founder http://maldevacademy.com | http://lots-project.com | http://malapi.io | http://filesec.io
@NahamSec : Cofounder @hackinghub_io | Advisor @CaidoIO. I hack companies and make content about it. #NahamCon organizer. ex @hacker0x01
@Natalie Silvanovich : Tamagotchi Hacker. Google Project Zero. She/her.
@proxylife : DFIR | Malware Hunter | @Cryptolaemus1
@pwn() : wannabe polymath
@Rana Khalil : AppSec Team Lead | OSCP | CEO & Instructor of @ranakhalilacad
@Rasta Mouse : Be kind, be brave, be principled.
@Runa Sandvik : Founder of @GranittHQ, securing journalists and at-risk people around the world.
@RussianPanda : Researcher @TRACLabs_ | Threat Hunter | Malware Addict
@S3cur3Th1sSh1t : Pentesting, scripting, pwning!
@Sam Curry : Hacker, bug bounty hunter. Run a blog to better explain web application security.
@Schneier Blog : Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru"
@Shubham Sharma : In cybersecurity, you should be eager to learn new things.
@Smukx.E : #Malware, #RedTeaming. 20 Y/o. Tweets are my thoughts. See Highlights for work related posts.
@Somdev Sangwan : Security Researcher
@STÖK : Hi.. im that hacker / creative that your friends told you about.
@Tavis Ormandy : Vulnerability researcher at Google. This is a personal stream, opinions expressed are mine.
@Thomas Roccia : Sr. Threat Researcher @Microsoft, Malware Warlock, ThreatIntel, Python🧡 - Former @McAfee_labs, Goon @Defcon, Creator #UnprotectProject - Tweets = my own
@TomNomNom : Open-source tool maker/hacker. Author of gron, anew, and a dozen dinky security tools. He/him. Tools: github.com/tomnomnom
@Trend Zero Day Initiative : Trend Zero Day Initiativeâ„¢ (ZDI) is a program designed to reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities.
@Unit 42 : The latest research and news from Unit 42, the Palo Alto Networks (@paloaltontwks) Threat Intelligence and Security Consulting Team covering incident response.
@Will Schroeder : Researcher @SpecterOps. Coding towards chaotic good while living on the decision boundary.
@x86matthew : C / asm / system emulation / reverse engineering.
@zseano : #1 Amazon Security Researcher. hacking with @jonathanbouman @fransrosen @avlidienbrunn